Window Measurement
Cars. Homes. Offices. Since 1998
DIY Window Measurements
A basic two pane fixed/slider is the most common window type found in bedrooms, studies, bathrooms and garages. In many cases, the fixed pane is slightly larger than the slider. It’s important to measure both, just in case.
A larger six panel window like this is more common in the living areas of your home. They come in many configurations and varying widths and slider combinations.
Measurements can be taken in MM, CM, or INCHES. Just be sure to use the same unit of measurement for all of your dimensions, and clearly state which measurement unit you are using. An excellent way to be sure, is to draw a diagram of the windows and mark the height and width of each individual pane.
What is important to us at this preliminary stage is the following:

Measurements, (width by drop – mm’s or inches) and number of panes for each area

Glass type, if known

Frame type

If a ladder would be required to access the inside of the glass (if so, what are the working heights to reach the top of the glass)

Condition of the glass and the frames

Is there any existing film on the glass.
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